How to create content on IT blog to radically increase views and average time on page – a Case Study with Eversoft.
How to create content on IT blog to radically increase views and average time on page – a Case Study with Eversoft
About the company
Eversoft is a Polish IT company, providing IT services in the Software Development as a Service (SDaaS) model: from IT outsourcing to software development. It operates mainly in foreign markets including UK Germany or the United States States.
The challenge
The clients want to create a series of unique texts published on the blog that will position the company as an expert (in front of the eyes of the targeted audience which includes CTO’s and candidates for employees), increasing the number of views and average time spent on-site at the same time.
How we make it?
1. A thorough analysis
Based on your own experiences, industry reports and talks with representatives of the IT industry we have proposed a list of topics that were in line with the company’s field of expertise and predefined goals of the marketing strategy. As a result, we agreed on creating a series of expert articles about Java programming language, artificial use intelligence (AI), Big Data and Blockchain technology.
2. Deep know-how and strict procedures
The articles were carefully crafted by an experienced technical writer to built involvement and reach the interest of the targeted group. Thus we used technical language and good SEO practices. Besides, we provided materials in English and Polish language versions. To ensure the highest standards each text was double-checked by the professional proofreader.
We have developed a content marketing process tailored to the client’s needs
- We established the purpose of the publication – what for?
- We built a persona – to whom?
- We made a sketch of the article structure in cooperation with the test reader – how?
- We created a title and headlines that will catch and keep the attention of the target audience
- We created a specific, concise text
- We verified the facts before showing them to the world
The topics of the IT articles:
KPI – what kind?
It’s no secret that measuring the effectiveness of content activities is a gateway to further activities as part of the content marketing strategy. To achieve better results, as part of our activities, we should systematically measure, research, and observe how different types of content work. Thanks to that approach we will be able to determine their effectiveness and modify our operating strategy, achieving better results. Additionally, that allows us to create a list of arguments for superiors with data proving that we are doing a good job!
Below is a list of exemplary KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), i.e. key performance indicators that we can measure:
- Time users spend reading published content
- The number of unique users reading our article
- The number of clicks on the links in the article
- The number of subscriptions for the subscription.
Once the content campaign was finished we analyzed the results. It turned out that we surpassed the predefined goals.
Between July 1, 2019 – July 31, 2019, we managed to increase the number of views by 47 % – compared with the number of views during the time with no new publications.
We managed to increase time spent on site by 158% compared with the period from May 1, 2019, to June 31, 2019
5:52 was the average time spent on articles on artificial intelligence.
Growth Makers – the trusted partner
Thanks to that successful campaign, we gained the reputation of the trusted partner. As a result, we cooperate to this day, providing high-quality content for the company’s blogs and social media.
Content marketing is nothing more than an activity based on generating interesting and engaging content for the reader. This area of marketing is growing fast which is especially visible in the context of the results of According to the report, Poles are ranked first (among others nations) in terms of blocking online advertising. The use of adblockers increased by up to 46%, and compared to 2017, the number of ad blockers on the Internet increased by 8%.
Let’s face it – we don’t like advertising on the web. Yet, content marketing that combines the needs of both publishers and recipients may turn out to be the cure for all evil. Here quality plays a crucial role. Of course, we are not reinventing the wheel by saying that audiences who receive valuable content will be more engaged. However, trying to create an article you do not have to bang your head against the wall. All you need is the right approach tailored to the service/product offered, recipients, or industry.